Before your transaction can be completed, you must read and agree to
these terms and conditions. By applying for access and or services from
ICHIAV.com, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions, and are
agreeing to be legally bound by them. This agreement will take effect
when a username and password is issued to subscriber by ICHIAV.com. This
agreement is subject to change by
お客様は、ichiav.com が価格設定、Web サイトのコンテンツおよび本条件を時を選ばず変更する権利を留保します。サブスクリプション契約者は本条件および価格設定が変更されていないかどうかを定期的に確認するものとします。変更が掲載された後も ICHIAV.com の Web サイトの継続して使用することで、お客様はかかる変更を承認したとみなされるものとします。
This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the Subscriber and Company regarding Subscribers’ use of ICHIAV.com, Materials and all materials directly and indirectly related thereto. This Agreement supersedes all prior written and oral understandings, writings, and representations and may only be amended upon notice by Company. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the Laws of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland applicable to contracts negotiated, executed, and wholly performed within said Country. Disputes arising hereunder shall be settled in The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The application of the United Nations Convention of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. Unless otherwise explicitly stated, the provisions of this Agreement shall surviveits termination. YOU HEREBY AFFIRM THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND AGREE TO ALL ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS BY CLICKING WHERE INDICATED BELOW AND BY AUTHORIZING THE USE OF YOUR CREDIT CARD FOR PAYMENT OF CHARGES AND FEES FOR YOUR OBTAINING A SUBSCRIPTION TO ICHIAV.com.
ICHIAV.com によるサブスクリプション契約者への通知は電子メールまたは本サイトへの一般掲示 (プロモーション、特別オファーおよび ICHIAV.com に関するその他の情報を含むがこれに制限されない) にて行われます。さらに、お客様は ICHIAV.com メンバーシップの要求を送信することで、かかる送信の成功、不成功を問わず、ICHIAV.com および/または ICHIAV.com と提携しているその他の Web サイトまたは事業者からかかる通知を受け取ることがあることを認め、承認することになります。
お客様は電子メール、よくある質問 システムを通じたチケットの送信、ライブ チャットおよび電話によって ICHIAV.com と連絡を取ることができます。
アダルト コンテンツの閲覧に関する合意
ICHIAV.com は、性的な画像、言葉による描写、音声に関心を持ち、アクセスすることを希望する成人 (18 歳以上または居住する法域における成年年齢以上の個人) のみを対象にしています。本 Web サイト内で提供されるコンテンツは裸体および性行為の視覚的な描写が含まれ、18 歳もしくは居住する法域における成年年齢に満たない個人またはかかるコンテンツの表示を望まない個人は、これにアクセスしてはなりません。
By purchasing a membership, you are implicitly making the following statements - `I affirm and swear that as of this moment, under penalty of Perjury, I am of legal age in the jurisdiction where this site is being viewed and are at least 18 years of age. I will not permit any persons who are not of legal age in the jurisdiction where this site is being viewed and are at least 18 years of to view or access in any way any materials found on this website. I understand that by accessing this website, I will be exposed to materials that may include but are not limited to, visual images, audio sounds, and verbal descriptions of a sexually oriented and frankly erotic nature, portrayals of nudity, and sexual acts. I affirm that I am not offended by such materials, and that such materials are legal in my community. I am volunteering to view, hear, and access such materials on my own volition, and I choose to do so because I want to view/read/hear or otherwise access such materials for my own enjoyment, information or entertainment. My choice is a manifestation of my interest in such matters, which is healthy and normal, and is also held by most adults in my area. I am completely familiar with the standards held in my community, and the material I expect to access in this site falls within these standards. In my experience, the average adult in my community accepts the consumption of such materials by willing adults in circumstances such as this, which offer reasonable insulation from the materials for minors, and unwilling adults. Adults in my community will accept the standards displayed within this site, and will not find any of the material patently offensive.
ICHIAV.com Web サイトが提供するサービス、情報および製品の使用を目的とした本 Web サイトへのアクセスが可能な指定の期間に従い、お客様メンバーシップ料金が請求されます。サブスクリプション料金は最初に選択された期間の満了時に自動的に延長され、同じ期間分のサブスクリプション料金が課されますが、延長の 7 日前までにサブスクリプション契約者から契約解除通告を受けた場合はこれを除きます。サブスクリプション契約者が 2 日間のトライアル メンバーシップまたは特別メンバーシップを保有している場合、自動延長を解除するには、トライアル期間または特別期間が満了する 24 時間前までに ICHIAV.com に通知する必要があります。トライアル メンバーシップおよび特別メンバーシップはすべて規定のメンバーシップ料金で延長されるものとします。
ICHIAV.com reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate and/or suspend the service to you or any person without prior notice and for any reason, including, without limitation, if ICHIAV.com believes that you have violated or acted inconsistently with the letter and spirit of these Terms & Conditions. You acknowledge and agree that ICHIAV.com shall not be liable to you or any third party for any termination or suspension of your access to this website.
Refunds and Chargebacks
ICHIAV.com does not provide cash refunds. We do, however, grant credits in the form of free monthly memberships to resolve customer service issues. The billing system used by ICHIAV.com or our authorized agents provides extensive credit card fraud protection measures and our Sites include many features to protect users from accidental charges. Therefore, refunds to your credit card will be provided only under the rarest of circumstances such as persistent technical problems originating with our equipment.
ICHIAV.com will handle each refund case on an individual basis and you may be required to provide ICHIAV.com with evidence to support your claim(s). Before a refund will be issued, ICHIAV.com will first attempt to resolve the issue. If ICHIAV.com cannot resolve the issue, at the discretion of ICHIAV.com, you may be offered an extension to your subscription or be issued a refund or partial refund.
Should a refund be issued by ICHIAV.com, all refunds will be credited solely to the payment method used in the original transaction. ICHIAV.com will not issue refunds by cash, check, or to another credit card or payment mechanism.
Please note that all chargebacks are thoroughly investigated and may add you to a black list with our processor which will complicate future purchases. Denying a purchase that you have made is illegal and will result in an investigation which can lead to heavy fines or other legal action towards you. Your credit can be affected by false claims of fraud.
Reporting Abuse And Illegal Content
The use of any non-consensual content or content that violates the acceptable guidelines for content defined by the card association is strictly prohibited. Such content may include , etc. If you have first-hand knowledge of illegal content, or have fallen , please contact us immediately via our toll-free number or send an email to our customer service department. Reporting users or content will remain completely confidential. To initiate the content review process, please include all relevant URL links where the content was viewed, as well as any other information you feel would aid our process. All content removal requests submitted are reviewed, addressed, and removed as fast as possible.
お客様は、本サービスのサブスクリプション契約を結ぶにあたって提供するすべての情報が完全、真実および正確であることを保証するものとします。サブスクリプション契約はいかなる個人または団体にも譲渡することはできません。お客様は、本サービスに関連して使用するクレジット カードの有効期限日の変更、自宅住所または請求先住所の変更および ID またはパスワードの損失、窃盗または不正公開もしくは不正使用など明らかなセキュリティ侵害があった場合は その旨を ICHIAV.com に速やかに知らせる必要があります。本サービスを不正に使用した結果としてお客様が被る損失または損害に関して、ICHIAV.com は一切の責任を負わないものとします。お客様が要請した場合、本サービスの使用料金を裏付ける請求記録へのアクセスがお客様に与えられます。
You represent and warrant to ICHIAV.com that the funds used for the purchase of the ICHIAV.com products and/or services have come from and/or relate to a legitimate source and are fully legal. It is clarified that in case ICHIAV.com reasonably believes and/or suspects that such funds are and/or appear to be product of money laundering and/or other illegal and/or unlawful activities, then ICHIAV.com reserves the right to reject receipt of such funds and/or terminate and/or suspend the provisions of the services to you.
Websites we link to and external links
Our Site may contain external links to other websites and resources provided by third parties that are not owned or controlled by us and which are provided for your information only. Such links should not be interpreted as approval by us of those linked websites or information you may obtain from them. We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party website.
Your further acknowledge and agree that we shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on or through any such website or resource.
本条件に関す へのご質問はすべて、以下の宛先にお寄せください。: